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Terms and their descriptions

eFTI‘Electronic freight transport information’ or ‘eFTI’ means a set of data elements that are processed by electronic means for the purpose of exchanging regulatory information among the economic operators concerned and between the economic operators concerned and competent authorities. The eFTI regulation is generally referred to as ‘eFTI.’
eFTI platformA solution based on information and communication technology (ICT), such as an operating system, an operating environment or a database, intended to be used for the processing of eFTI.
eFTI service providerA natural or legal person which provides an eFTI service to the economic operators concerned on the basis of a contract.
eFTI gateThe eFTI gate is responsible for transmitting requests and response messages. There is no central storage of freight data or transport documents. Authorities may request information from efti platforms on the basis of their competence.
eFTI4EU projectA project aiming to establish a uniform approach to implementing eFTI in the EU. As part of the project, a reference architecture is being developed for the exchange of logistics and transport information.
Economic operatorA transport or logistics operator, or any other natural or legal person, who is responsible for making regulatory information available to competent authorities in accordance with the relevant regulatory information requirements.
Competent authority

A public authority, agency or other body which is competent to perform tasks pursuant to the legal acts referred to in the eFTI regulation and for which access to regulatory information is necessary, such as checking, enforcing, validating or monitoring compliance on the territory of a Member State.

eFTI common data set

A data set containing all data requirements for the electronic waybill in the EU. The data requirements are published in Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2024/2024.


